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Finding dignity

Allow the horse time... all the time needed.

Have a vision, have an idea of what you would like to do, feel or see. Have it clearly in your mind, but at the same time, forget it. This is the only way you can really sense and feel your horse.

Stay with an open mind, peaceful, patient, yet free to listen and respond to the slightest reaction your horse offers. Always act with dignity. Never with haste or force. No push or pull, no nagging, no need for impatient demands. Don't annoy your horse. Be dignified yourself and allow the time she needs to find her dignity, and willingness to join your idea. The horse can never be wrong, she tries to find the solution, in the only ways she knows how. She can only act from her experiences and instincts. She can only do what she has learnt to do, and these may be undesirable responses in your mind - but to her, they may have helped her find solutions to problems she had in the past.

Horses are incredibly tolerant. Ask politely, gently but clearly with respect and patience. Separate your aids - keep it simple. Break it down into chunks of learning. One step at a time. Little by little. Help her find the answers, and be attentive and waiting for the right answer. Don't set your horse up to fail by making things complicated or demanding. Expect a lot but reward for a little. Every little try is a great step ahead. The more you acknowledge and reward the little tries, the more they try to please you.

Ethical training means discipline; focus and prepare for every little thing - 'position before action' and concentrate on what you are doing... 100%. If you can't concentrate, take a break. half a minute can be enough to collect your thoughts, your posture, your balance, your dignity. The difference, with discipline, can be outstanding.

Teach the horse how to please you, to think, to listen, and to work out how to find peace, praise and pleasure.

in trusting and being with you.

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